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Found 43117 results for any of the keywords awareness programmes. Time 0.046 seconds.
Xcelerating MindsSumita Datta (PhD) is Managing Partner at Bridgit Nterprise LLP, an OD Consulting, Training and Coaching organization, concentrating on organizational capability building and leadership development. In addition, she is A
Xcelerating MindsSumita Datta (PhD) is Managing Partner at Bridgit Nterprise LLP, an OD Consulting, Training and Coaching organization, concentrating on organizational capability building and leadership development. In addition, she is A
Xcelerating MindsSumita Datta (PhD) is Managing Partner at Bridgit Nterprise LLP, an OD Consulting, Training and Coaching organization, concentrating on organizational capability building and leadership development. In addition, she is A
TRAINING AND AWARENESS PROGRAM Parkinson s Disease and MovementWith the objective of equipping professionals to implement rehabilitative programs for people with Parkinson’s (PwPs) and thus reaching out to those unreached, the PDMDS carries out capacity building training programs an
Home - Auroville Earth InstituteThe Auroville Earth Institute aims to research, develop, promote and transfer earth-based technologies, which are cost and energy effective.
Spiritual Activities - Gaudiya MissionChaitanya Museum Prabhupad Glories Gaudiya Mission UK
Xcelerating MindsSumita Datta (PhD) is Managing Partner at Bridgit Nterprise LLP, an OD Consulting, Training and Coaching organization, concentrating on organizational capability building and leadership development. In addition, she is A
Xcelerating MindsSumita Datta (PhD) is Managing Partner at Bridgit Nterprise LLP, an OD Consulting, Training and Coaching organization, concentrating on organizational capability building and leadership development. In addition, she is A
Xcelerating MindsSumita Datta (PhD) is Managing Partner at Bridgit Nterprise LLP, an OD Consulting, Training and Coaching organization, concentrating on organizational capability building and leadership development. In addition, she is A
Xcelerating MindsSumita Datta (PhD) is Managing Partner at Bridgit Nterprise LLP, an OD Consulting, Training and Coaching organization, concentrating on organizational capability building and leadership development. In addition, she is A
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